Wednesday 30 July 2014

A Small Deer in a War Zone

A small deer happily prancing along,
Even through the trodden muddy banks,
Even through the war-torn land.
No proper food to eat
No proper place to call home.

A small deer happily prancing along,
Even through the shrapnel filled forest.
Even through the cratered hills.
No one to stay with,
No where to be safe.

Despite these setbacks,
The deer remains happy,
The deer remains hopeful.

The form of poem is free verse.

The poetic techniques are:
Repetition - "A small deer happily prancing along"
Imagery - "Even through the shrapnel filled forest.
Even through the cratered hills."

Symbolism - "The small deer represents the people who remain hopeful even though they are in a war zone."

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