Wednesday 30 July 2014

Destroying Home By queen0kid

Polar bears and penguins,

Non to hunt, they all died. 
Couldn't find that piece of ice, 
To rest their weary bones for the rest of their lives 

There goes Alaska, Antarctica, 
With the ice all melting... 
There goes half the world maybe?
What was that? 3.5 billion people dying?

Flooding the world, and we try to fly? 
Go to Mars, And ruin our Earth?
A failing species, can't even keep our home?

What? Did the carbon monoxide get to your head?
We're getting too lazy to walk a block, we drive instead? 
Too lazy to protect, we always fight. 
Think of the planet the gave us a home! 
All we do is destroy!
Global Warming people! I love my home!

The composer of this piece is queen0kid (poetry website user).
The form of this piece is free verse.

The poem is about a how global warming is rapidly becoming a big problem because it is killing the wildlife, affecting the water levels and affecting the air quality. The poem is talking about how we are the cause of global warming as we are the ones who start wars which causes severe pollution. The poem also talks about how we are heavily dependent on vehicles which is causing all the air pollution.

The message of this poem is that we need to learn how to preserve our planet as well take it for granted. The message the poet is trying to get out is that we should be considering ways to stop global warming. Another part of the message the poet is trying to get out is that we should not be relying on vehicles as heavily as it is damaging the environment.
The tone of this poem is understanding and realisation of what is happening to our planet.

Some techniques used are:

Rhyme Scheme - "I know what poverty looks like—it looks back right smack in the eye Striking a discordant note, one cannot forget, the hardest of hearts cry"
Imagery - "I know what poverty looks like—it looks back right smack in the eye"

Rhetorical Question - " What? Did the carbon monoxide get to your head?"
My opinion of this poem is that it clearly shows how the public needs a serious reality check. The poet clearly states that we are careless and do not think ahead to what might happen to the world when global warming gets too out of hand.

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