Wednesday 23 July 2014

Not a Single Person Deserves to be Poor By Dine Racoma

While the general trend through time is for the poor to become poorer

And the rich—they become richer and richer, I cannot help but wonder
Can someone come up with a sure fire solution to the widespread poverty
Afflicting millions the world over. What will it take to eradicate this reality?

International NGOs, development banks, churches, rich countries
Financing firms, charitable organizations, individuals, philanthropists
Have come to the rescue, through loans, technical assistance grants
And direct aid, still poverty is evident despite infusing these funds

I know what poverty looks like—it looks back right smack in the eye
Striking a discordant note, one cannot forget, the hardest of hearts cry
Poverty is not just an issue of lack of money, it is a pool of many things
Global concerns like war, famine, hunger, sickness, a litany of sufferings.

Not a single person on earth deserves to be poor, but this is stark reality
Aren't all creatures created to be equal to enjoy the world’s bounty?
It’s high time that all nations sincerely unite, work hand in hand
And as individuals we can do our share, in our own little way, yes, we can!

Composer - Dine Racoma

Form Of Poem - Lyric

What is the poem about?
The poem is about how we cannot still rid the world of widespread poverty and how the rich are becoming even richer than before. The poet is also saying that there are many organisations as well as people that are trying to help the many people in poverty by sending funds. However poverty is still evident despite these funds. 

What is the message of the poem?
The message of the poem is that poverty is not just about the need for money it is also the consequences that come with the lack of money - diseases, lack of hygiene, no proper shelter, no proper food and water. The poet is trying to tell everyone as well as the nations to come together end this worldwide epidemic.

What is the tone created in the poem?
The tone created in the poem is that the world needs to take a reality check and how we need to understand that people are living in absolute poverty. Also the tone urges us to come together and end poverty once and for all.

What are some techniques used in this poem?
Rhyme Scheme - "I know what poverty looks like—it looks back right smack in the eye Striking a discordant note, one cannot forget, the hardest of hearts cry"
Imagery - "I know what poverty looks like—it looks back right smack in the eye"

Rhetorical Question - "Aren't all creatures created to be equal to enjoy the world’s bounty?

My Opinion of the Poem
I think that this poem is a clear example of how we need to have a serious reality check. Many people have not had the taste of poverty therefore they do not really show any concern to the people who are in poverty. By reading this poem it can make people realise that we really do need to end poverty because as its says in the poem, that everyone was created to share the world equally.

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